Let me Introduce …

April Taylor
3 min readOct 16, 2023

The Hottest new Jazz Duo in Town … VELVET & IVORY

Let me take you back in time … It’s 1946, New Your City. Imagine … ladies in gowns and pearls whisking around the dance floor with their partners in a dimly lit lounge. A Couple snuggled in a round booth for two, drinking champagne. All the glam of yesteryear. A grand piano on stage and as a beautiful woman at the mic serenades us with her smooth salutary voice … with songs like George Gershwin’s Summertime, and music made famous by Nat king Cole and Ella Fitzgerald we settle into the music letting it become part of us.

Last Christmas I was out with my friend for dinner at the Bruce Hotel where Velvet & Ivory were performing. A gorgeous grand piano and a lovely lady singing mellow jazz with a few Christmas classics woven in. The dinner was nice but what gave it the feeling of a special evening was the music.

But who are these guys?

Well, Let me introduce you to … Velvet, You might know her as Beverley Maranger. Beverley, is a true blue Stratfordite, born and raised here. She and her husband are the owners of Co-Operative Insurance, they enjoyed raising their 4 children here in our lovely community. I have known her for a long time and I remember her saying years ago to me that she feels most like herself when she is singing. I asked her where her love of music began. I loved her answer. “I was raised in a Pentecostal Church, and I’d be standing on the pew as a little kid belting out hymns.” she says. Beverley trades her hat as a mom, wife, and office gal, dons an evening gown and becomes Velvet singer of this new duo. I must say she makes this transition seamlessly. “Jazz makes my heart happy but Gospel feeds my soul” Beverley tells us.

Ivory … also known as Tim Elliot. Tim was born in St. Catherines to a musical family. Tim has had several stops on his journey between St.Catherines and settling in Stratford in 2015. Tim has two interests in life, music and people. Tim studied theology in New York City and worked part time playing the big bass in bars at night. Worked at Huron College.FOLK ????? Later he moved to toronto and worked for CFRB radio and you might recognize his name as he hosted two programs on CBC Radio, Concerns and Panel-Options. He also met his wife of many years Judy Madden former host of World Report also on CBC. Tim decided to return to theology and was ordained in 1977. He was with the Angellican Church for 25 years. After retiring he began a counselling business and when he moved to Stratford he really wanted to devote time to his music. He got involved in the music scene and is part of the Stratford Symphony and joined a jazz band {Our Little Band”}.

Tim was playing piano at the Stratford Symphony Orchestra, Christmas Carol sing-a-long. After the show Peter introduced himself and Beverley to Tim. It was kismit, right time, right place they were a perfect musical match. They formed a duo Velvet and Ivory. Beverley also joins in at times with the full band. “Music brings us joy and we love to share our musical gift, we are finding it to be fun and our creative partnership,and it’s allowing us to grow musically”. I always ask people for a quote that means something to them because I think it’s a good way get to know someone. Of course I asked Tim, his reply was a line by Duke Ellington “Do it as you see it and believe in what you see.” Wise words for any situation. Beverley shared the words of John Woode “Character is who you are when no one’s watching.” That I know to be true of her. They have played at a fund rasier for the hospice, and enjoy taking their music to Care homes just for the shear joy of making people happy. When I spoke with them it was clear how important it is for them to give and support the community.

Now that you know a little more about this musical duo you might like to see them. They play at the Bruce Hotel and have a show lined up at St. James Church on October 15 featuring musician Kevin Barrett 2nd Guitarist from the play Rent. I hope to get to this one, maybe I’ll see you there.



April Taylor

People are my greatest source of inspiration,. I love to sit in a cafe and observe to world as it passes by. Everyone is interesting in their own way.