April Taylor
4 min readApr 24, 2024


OUR JOURNEY TOGETHER … A letter to my clients

I began my career in hairdressing 40 years ago … yes 40 years ago, honestly how is that possible? Everyone always tells you that life goes fast, jeeze where they right. Oddly, I always knew with certainty that I would be a hairdresser, I remember when I was 7 or 8 drawing pictures of hairstyles and later doing my friends and sisters hair when I was in high school, thinking of that now I had no idea what I was doing but they let at it for some reason. When it came time for me to go to school my family and friends suggested I work with kids as a daycare teacher so I took myself on the bus to Waterloo to inquire about such a course, while I was there the bus drove by a hair school and I thought … oh just go in for the heck of it … that beauty parlour smell hit me as soon as I walked in and I knew I was in the right spot. I never looked back, 40 years and I still really like what I do.

It seems like only moments ago I was that young hairdresser excited about beginning my new job, and later owning our own salon. Me … April Taylor owning my own shop! I was so pumped! By then I lived in my own little apartment and I would phone my mom everynight to tell her all about the people I saw that day. “Mom, I did 3 perms today” it was the 80’s, perms were the hottest thing. I didn’t have much in those days, just my bike and my clown collection proudly displayed on the shelves in my apartment. Somehow it felt like I was the richest person in the world even though I had to babysit on Friday nights to make end meet. I was a hairdresser and that was all that mattered.

I bought the salon in 1988, gosh when I think of it … I had no idea what running a business would be, had I not been so naive I would never have done it. Sometimes things were difficult, money was tight, customers were few but thanks to all of you … you came and you stayed with us. It is all because of you that we are still up and running today. To say thank you would be an understatement.

Back then I thought being a hairstylist was about fashion and the latest styles. Ahhh, silly me … silly silly me. What I discovered was, it was all about people, sharing, friendships, growing and learning from each other. Living along side of my clients, helping each other through our ups and downs. It really is a job like no other. 40 years, some of us have been together. I watched you go to prom and get married have children and then you brought them in for their first haircuts {my grand-clients} and now even they have grown up. They all feel like my nieces and nephews now.

The other night I was thinking about the next stage of life and retirement. As many of you know last year was a tough one … my husband Edward’s health scare and my dear friend Philp failing {now in a care home}. Thinking it’s time to slow down a bit, savour this season of life and I thought of all of you … thinking about all the time we have shared together with tears rolling down my face. How can I leave you? You all mean so much to me. My job was never just a job to me, it was about you and of course the girls at the shop that I have been so fortunate to share my life with. Yup, I am crying right now. I now understand the meaning of bittersweet. I like the idea of being at home with Edward after spending our marriage separated he in London and I in Stratford, but the thought of leaving you guys is brutal.

My work family … Carolyn, Micheline, Carrie and Katie and the other who have came and went. Decades of working side by side, I actually think that is unusual for a salon that we have all stayed together. We have shared as much as any family, happy times, silly fun, weddings, birthdays, babies, big political happenings, covid, illness, and even death. That is the definition of a family indeed. How can I leave you guys too?

When challenges came up with the business or funds were hard to find, I thought that was the hard part of running a business. Only to discover … The hardest part is saying good-bye. Thank You … Thank you … thank you all for everything. Like I said it is an understatement but I don’t have the words to express how much you have done for me.


The other girls at the shop … will be happy to see you, however they are quite busy so you may have to book ahead. We do have a new girl Bryn who is young and eager and great at highlights and balayage.

Also, You may still see me in the shop, I will be in and out to do my family’s hair and if the girls ever need help { i kind of hope they will} I will be in to help out.

Love you all, April



April Taylor

People are my greatest source of inspiration,. I love to sit in a cafe and observe to world as it passes by. Everyone is interesting in their own way.